ZIRH Fix Targeted Skin Clearing Gel
A super blemish control gel targeted for all skin types. The powerful treatment aims itself at the areas in which imperfections can occur on the skin. A fantastic formula gentle for the face, but also areas including the back, shoulders and chest, where the skin is much more thicker and dense. Blackhead, blemishes, inflamed redness will be irradiated with this multi tasking sport treatment. The formula rich with glycolic and salicylic acids, which literally FIX your face by reducing fine lines and spots. Whilst keeping the areas covered it decreases any itchiness and redness overall. Imperfections are dissolved and the skin is left anti-septic, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial. Protect your face with this significant gel, to ensure a reduction and not a reproduction.
Size - 50ml
Manufacturer | ZIRH |